For Canada Day yesterday, my parents and I went to play glow-in-the-dark mini-golf. It was the first time I've ever actually won a round of mini-golf before so that was good :). While we were playing my dad accidentally whacked me on the head with his golf club -- it hurt for a while but there was no serious injury of any kind, and I used the incident to make him feel guilty for the rest of the day. ;)
I was in Ottawa on the weekend for my cousin Alana's went pretty well and it was nice to see some of my relatives again. It was a 5-hour car trip to and from Ottawa and I'm really glad I remembered to bring my brother's Discman...even though I ended up falling asleep for the majority of the rides. But that's besides the point. :) Brought my CDs that are perfect for trips...the Sheryl Crow album I made is for the beach (Sugar Ray would also work for this purpose), Our Lady Peace for the car, and a bunch of others for backup.
Anyway...Glad to be back. Also: watched
crazy/beautiful yesterday. It's a good little movie. Not one of my oh-so-numerous favorites, but good nonetheless.